The 1st Clinical Research Skill Advancement Workshop
2012年12月14~16日の3日間、東京都千代田区の都市センターホテルにおいて、「仮説に則った臨床研究を自ら立案・主導し、日本から世界に向けてエビデンスを発信できる、がん領域における次世代のClinical Investigatorの育成」を目指したワークショップ “The 1st Clinical Research Skill Advancement Workshop 2012” が開催されました。
“The 1st Clinical Research Skill Advancement Workshop 2012” was held at the Toshi Center Hotel in Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan, from December 14th through December 16th, 2012. This three-day workshop aimed to cultivate “the next generation of clinical investigators in the cancer research field in Japan” who can formulate and lead hypothesis-driven clinical research and disseminate evidence from Japan to the world.
The workshop invited four medical doctor/researchers with broad experience in clinical trials from The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center (U.S.A.) and five Japanese clinical trial leaders as its instructors. These faculty members offered training programs that included skills for planning and management of scientific hypothesis–driven clinical studies, protocol (clinical trial procedure proposal) development, writing English-language reviews, and career development.
Throughout the three-day workshop, there were several interactive sessions where attendees revised the protocol concept sheets that they had submitted when applying to the workshop. They finalized a protocol of their own, learned the protocol development process through this experience.
Those who completed this workshop are expected to make an impact on the clinical research field in Japan.
The following are highlights of the three-day workshop, including some photographs.
DAY 1 [2012/12/14]
3日間のワークショップ中、講義とディスカッションからなるワーク・セッションが毎日行なわれました。1日目のワーク・セッションは、「仮説による臨床研究」「前向き研究をデザインする方法」「生物統計学 1」の3テーマについて行なわれました。またインタラクティブ・セッションでは、がん種別に3つのグループに分かれ、参加者は各自のプロトコールコンセプトシートを発表し、グループの皆でディスカッションしました。最後の時間には、参加者とファカルティメンバーの個人面談の機会がもたれ、個人的な話題などが話し合われました。
下の写真上段は、左から、会場風景と坪井正博氏の講義の模様。下段は、左からインタラクティブ・セッションと個人面談(“Meet the professors”)の模様。
Each day of the workshop included a “Work” session of lectures and discussion. The first day’s “Work” focused on three topics: “Hypothesis-driven clinical research,” “How to design a prospective study” and “Biostatistics I.” During an interactive session, attendees were divided into three groups by cancer types and then presented and discussed their protocol concept sheets in their group. At the end of the day, attendees and faculty members had opportunities for one-on-one meetings and informal discussion (“Meet the professors”).
Photos: workshop room (upper left), Dr. Masahiro Tsuboi’s lecture (upper right), interactive session (lower left), and “Meet the professors” (lower right).

DAY 2 [2012/12/15]
2日目のワーク・セッションは、「後ろ向き研究の鍵となる要素、症例対照研究およびチャートレビュー研究のデザイン」「高い影響力のある広範囲の総説を執筆する方法」「生物統計学 2」の3テーマについて行なわれました。また午後には、J. Jack Lee氏により、臨床研究を管理するのに必要なコンピューター・スキルに関する実習も行われました。そして午前のインタラクティブ・セッションでは、1日目と同様にがん種別に3つのグループに分かれ、参加者は1日目の課題として作成した各自のプロトコールを発表し、それをグループの皆でディスカッションしながら、より良いものへと仕上げていきました。そして夜のインタラクティブ・セッションでは、各参加者は最終仕上げにとりかかり、完成度の高いプロトコールに仕上げました。
下の写真上段は、左から、Kenneth R. Hess氏の講義の模様と午前のインタラクティブ・セッションの模様。下段は、左からJ. Jack Lee氏の講義の模様と、夜のインタラクティブ・セッションの模様(参加者が各自のプロトコールの最終仕上げにかかっているところ)。
The second day’s Work session covered three topics: “Key elements in retrospective studies: design of case-control studies and chart-review,” “How to write a high-impact comprehensive review” and “Biostatistics II.” In the afternoon, Dr. J. Jack Lee offered lab sessions in developing computer skills needed to manage clinical studies. In the morning interactive session, as on the previous day, the attendees were divided into three groups based on cancer types and presented the protocol they created as an assignment from the first day; group discussion of each protocol offered ideas for improvement. All attendees revised and finalized a high-quality protocol of their own during the evening interactive session.
Photos: Dr. Kenneth R. Hess’s lecture (upper left), morning interactive session (upper right), Dr. J. Jack Lee’s lecture (lower left), and evening interactive session, showing attendees finalizing their protocols (lower right).

DAY 3 [2012/12/16]
The third day of the workshop started with Dr. Naoto Ueno’s presentations on “Manuscript writing” and “CV and career development planning.” Five of the attendees then presented their protocol, and each presentation was followed by lively discussion among the participants. After the presentations, all faculty members lined up at the front of the room and offered a Q & A panel discussion. The day ended with a completion ceremony at which faculty members awarded a certificate of completion of the workshop to each attendee.
Photos: Dr. Naoto Ueno’s lecture (upper left), attendee’s protocol presentation (upper right), panel discussion (lower left), attendees and faculty members (lower right).

Tokachi, Obihiro “The Advanced Cancer Therapy Seminar”
第3回 「究極のがんマネジメント:
Palliative Care - QOL改善と患者満足度の向上を目指して」
〒080-8711北海道帯広市西3条南9丁目1 帯広経済センタービル
後援:日本臨床腫瘍学会、社会医療法人 北斗
The 3rd “Ultimate Cancer Management:
Palliative Care - Aiming at Improvement of QOL and
Patients’ Satisfaction
Date:May 12-13, 2012
Place:Hokkaido Obihiro Chamber of Commerce
Obihiro Economics Center building,
9-Chome 1, Nishi-Sanjo-Minami,
Obihiro, Hokkaido, 080-8711 Japan
Sponsored by:Oncology Education Project Association
Supported by:Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, Hokuto Social Medical Corporation
- 治療効果とQOLの向上を目指して」
〒080-0833 北海道帯広市稲田町基線7番地5
後援:日本臨床腫瘍学会、社会医療法人 北斗
The 2nd “Ultimate Cancer Chemotherapy Side Effects Management
- Aiming at Improvement of Treatment Effectiveness and
Date:November 12-13, 2011
Place:Hokuto Hospital F5 Conference Room
7-5 Inadacho-Kisen, Obihiro, Hokkaido, 080-0833 Japan
Sponsored by:Oncology Education Project Association
Supported by:Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, Hokuto Social Medical Corporation
第1回「Advanced Cancer Therapy 2010
- Translational Research and clinical practice」
〒080-0833 北海道帯広市稲田町基線9番地1
後援:日本臨床腫瘍学会、社会医療法人 北斗
The 1st “Advanced Cancer Therapy 2010
- Translational Research and Clinical Practice”
Date:June 13, 2010
Place:Hokuto Hospital Hokuto Clinic
9-1 Inadacho-Kisen, Obihiro, Hokkaido, 080-0833 Japan
Sponsored by:Oncology Education Project Association
Supported by:Japanese Society of Medical Oncology, Hokuto Social Medical Corporation